An Overview of Technology in Education

Technology is the combination of numerous techniques, tools, processes, and systems utilized in the creation of products or services, or in the achievement of specific goals, such as scientific research. Technological change is a very broad umbrella term that encompasses many specific fields and philosophies, including Information Technology, Nanotechnology, and Bio-technology. In the broadest sense, technology is a branch of science that utilizes some form of input from nature. The scope and depth of technological change continues to increase as human society and technological development progress. Technological change is also inherently ever-changing.


With the rapid advancement of scientific discovery and the expansion of the human mind, the field of technology has grown to include such diverse fields as electronics, computer science, applied physics, electrical engineering, information systems, medical science, and computer science. In recent years, the manufacturing sector has become one of the largest users of technological advances. Technological change is a broad subject with a wide variety of subtopics, including information technology, nanotechnology, bio-technology, and cognitive science.

Technology has been the subject of many debates, perhaps the most significant of which is the debate concerning the definition of technology. Some people maintain that technology is an abstract ideal, having no concrete boundaries or references. Others are more direct in their arguments, contending that technology is the study of knowledge and its development over time. Still others maintain that technology is a field defined by specific practitioners, often associated with the discipline of engineering. Still others subscribe to a more loose definition of technology that includes a belief in progress and the ability of human societies and organizations to improve their technologies.

Technologists have an unusual status in today’s culture. Although the majority of scientific research is performed by members of the scientific community, technologists are relatively uncommon in the scientific community. Technologists are employed by corporations, which often operate in isolation from their suppliers and engineers. They perform a function comparable to that of consultants in the realm of scientific research: they obtain important information from their suppliers and then disseminate this information to their customers. Technologists are not employed by government agencies; however, many technologists work as consultants for such governmental agencies as the Department of Defense, the United States Navy, the United States Air Force, the Department of Transportation, and the National Security Agency.

Technologists are believed to play an important role in the economic, scientific, technological, and social development of the world as a whole. Technological change has led to dramatic improvements in numerous areas of human life and technological advances have allowed individuals and society to participate more productively in the economic, technological, and political arenas. Technological change is positively changing the world. Technological change is likely to continue in the future, creating a wide range of possible jobs and career opportunities. Individuals interested in pursuing a career in this field should consult an industry professional to determine the most likely career opportunities in this field and to develop plans on how to acquire relevant skills and education to meet these career goals.

Technologists who earn a bachelor’s degree in a technical area usually have the option of obtaining a two-year technical degree or a four-year technical degree. Students who wish to become technologists can train for additional years in a technical area of their choice. A technologist can work in various capacities in both the private and public sectors, depending on their job description. Technologists can also specialize by focusing their studies in specific fields or areas of information technology.

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